November 26, 2023

I was able to do some flying at several spots I haven't flown in a few years. Nothing amazing, but it was fun. I also got to dive a building that has been on my list for a while. It was a good day. It felt like old days when FloRidaFPV and I would go out on a Saturday morning, and spot hop. It was my wife as my companion on this outing though.

November 20, 2023

I'm still working on the video idea. It requires a lot of different clips, and I want to get a bit more variety of locations for these clips, so it's taking more time than expected. I should have most everything done by the first part of December, which is good timing for it, I think. You'll understand when it comes out.

Can you believe that it is almost Thanksgiving? Man, time has flown by this year. I am still in shock at how long we have already been in our new place. It still feels a bit surreal to me to be a homeowner in Florida. I am very happy for making this decision though. Florida has really grown on me. I can remember a time when I liked to visit, but could never see myself living here. Now that I live here, I wonder why it took me so long to make the decision to move here.

November 15, 2023

Well, I broke a lens today. Thankfully I had a backup. I ordered three more so I have a replacement for the one I took from the other camera, and two more as spares. I also ordered some additional HQ 3x5x3 props. These props have been amazing. Some of the most durable props I have used at any size.

I have started working on a funny video project that I think people will enjoy. At least I hope people enjoy. I don't want to give too much away but it requires a lot of flying clips.

November 10, 2023

I went out this morning to the park to fly, but forgot my SD card, so I didn't get any footage. However, I did manage to do a test of 720p60 (16:9 Full). I have not flown this mode for quite some time, and have been enjoying the 1080p30 mode for a while. However, it doesn't have the best range. It has been sufficient for my needs, but it would be nice in some cases to have a bit more range.

I have had some suggest I go back to a lower resolution. I really like the extra resolution for sharing on YouTube, but I would also like cleaner footage, and farther range. It is a compromise, I think. So this morning, I gave it a try again, and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. The extra clarity (with much less interference) made more of an improvement than I was expecting. I think i might switch back.

November 9, 2023

Is FPV dead? What do you think? My buddy Randall came by this morning to help me get a few things from my parent's house, and while we were driving there we discussed several FPV topics, and the idea of FPV being dead came up. So do you think it is dead? I'm honestly not sure at this point, but I will say that I think the core of the enthusiasm those of use who have been in the hobby for a lot of years is definitely not the same. There are so many are trying to make flying drones into a business that they are kind of squelching the enthusiasm. I think when anything becomes more mainstream that it is inevitable to happen. For me, I still thoroughly enjoy it, and will continue to enjoy it. I just hope that the commercialization of it doesn't ruin the diversity of setups, etc. I like variety, and I hope that variety can stick it out. I would hate for everything to be basically the same.

November 8, 2023

Felt good to get out and fly yesterday morning. So far, the updates I made to the sub 250g are working well. I have crashed a bunch, and hard, and everything is holding up nicely. I was at the brink of throwing in the towel. I am glad that I stuck it out, though. I really do enjoy getting out and flying. I would have hated to miss out on that.

November 6, 2023

I was able to get out a bit to fly on Saturday, and Sunday morning. I went out on Saturday afternoon with my buddy RanHam, and I get home to find out that my goggles had decided to not record anything. I had formatted the SDCard in the goggles, and thought it was ok, but apparently it didn't fully finish. I think after formatting, you ned to eject the card, and reinsert it so that it properly initializes it. At least that is going to be my practice going forward.

Sunday I went back out and flew some again at the same local school spot, and I havea video premiering today from that flying, and I update everyone on everything that has been going on. Of course, if you are reading this, you probably already know all of that. But hey at least I got some nice flying (mostly) to share with you.

And this morning I went out to a local park that I am really starting to enjoy. I forgot my SDCard for the goggles, though. It is ashame as this spot is a proximity gap bonanza! So much fun! I am going to do this more now that the time has changed, and it is daylight much earlier.

November 3, 2023

Well, we are no longer going to be daily. I just don't have it in me to post here every day. Well, that isn't quite true. It basically comes done to me not remembering to post each day. I will do my best to be regular with this, but I am not sure how well it will go, and I think it is better to not promise something and failt to deliver.

So what has been going on the past few days? Honestly, I can't remember everything. It isn't that we do so much either. I did finish my garage opener project. It is working very well. The one thing I would like to get it to do better, though, is to open and close when I arrive and leave. It works but the trigger is not the best trigger so it is a bit slow to happen.

I am currently using a trigger of when my phone is connected to android auto, and it disconnects and reconnects to our Wifi in the house. When I leave it triggers pretty quickly, but when I arrive it sometimes takes a bit before it triggers. I haven't figured out a better solution yet, but I am still working on some ideas. One idea would be to use some sort of bluetooth beacon. That might be more consistent, but I am not sure yet.

October 2023 Blog